Странник, ты веришь в гномиков? А они в тебя верят...
Странник, ты веришь в гномиков? А они в тебя верят...
Согласно фольклору филиппинского народа ибанаг, проживающего на севере острова Лусон, каранго — маленькие природные духи, обитающие в земле, в холмах, в лесу и в поле. Издают свистящий звук при ответе на зов шамана. Считаются «истинными владельцами земли». Причиняют вред тем, кто беспокоит их жилище.
According to folk beliefs of Ibanag people from Luzon island in the Philippines, Carango is a small earth spirit in the ground, in a mound, or woods and fields. Makes whizzing sound when responding to shaman’s call. Regarded as "the true owner of the land". Inflicts harm on those who disturb its home.
The Kalanget is a old short creature found on farms and has an aversion to foods with spices. It has an enormous head and a short body and thrives under ant mounds in the woods and fields.
The Kalanget claims to be real owner of the land where people farm. Farmers offer food to them but must not have salt or spices like ginger, pepper and vinegar. Those that upset them by either giving foods with their hated spices or digs up their mounds earn the wrath of the Kalanget and incur strange illnesses and body pain.
Source: Myth Museum: Kalanget, Karanget, Karango
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