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Wume. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Wume (WOO-mee)

Near the Bight of Benin along the West African coast in the Gulf of Guinea there is a vampiric being known as a wume. Created when a criminal dies and remains unburied or when a person has been cursed to UNDEATH, the wume is powerful, smart, and notoriously difficult to kill. Usually a band of warriors and a priest, all of whom have been ritualistically cleansed, are sent out to track and destroy one. It is best advised to approach a wume only after it has fed, as it will then drift off into a near comalike sleep. Then the men will be a comparable match for it and will eventually be able to tie its arms down along its body and wrap several layers of rope up and down its body. Once the wume is tightly wrapped, nearly mummylike, the surviving warriors will take the vampire to a secret and isolated location where it is buried in a deep and unmarked grave. Then, the men must never speak of the place or go there again, for the wume will use its ability to compel anyone who walks near its grave to dig it up.

Source: Jones, Dawn of European Civilization, 434; Pashley, Travels in Crete, 209; Wharton, North American Review, 95; Wright, Book of Vampires, 105

Wukodlak. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн


In the Bulgarian provinces nearest to Albania and Dalmatia the word wukodlak (“wolf hair”) is used to describe a vampire.

Source: Jones, Dawn of European Civilization, 434; Pashley, Travels in Crete, 209; Wharton, North American Review, 95; Wright, Book of Vampires, 105


В болгарских провинциях, ближайших к Албании и Далмации, слово вукодлак («волчья шерсть») используется для описания вампира*.

Источники: Jones, «Dawn of European Civilization», 434; Pashley, «Travels in Crete», 209; Wharton, «North American Review», 95; Wright, «Book of Vampires», 105

De Witte Lever. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

De Witte Lever (DE WIT LIV-er)
Variations: Witte Lever (“White Liver”)

In the northern regions of the Netherlands there is a type of vampirism that can occur when a person is born with a white liver (see LIVING VAMPIRE). Just like everyone else, the de witte lever (“the white liver”) lives a normal life, falls in love, and eventually marries. Sadly for the de witte lever, soon after the wedding day, the spouse becomes sick, begins to waste away, and eventually dies. The de witte lever is a normal human being except for the fact that the white liver is supposedly responsible for the spouse becoming ill and dying (see ENERGY VAMPIRE). Unfortunately, there is no way to test and determine who may have this condition prior to having been married and widowed fairly quickly. After the suspected de witte lever dies, the body can be cut open and examined to verify the condition.

Source: American Folklore Society, Journal of American Folklore, vol.58-59, 323; Barbe, Vampires, Burial, and Death, 44; Noyes, Encyclopedia of the End, 127

Wili. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Wili (VE-lee)
Variations: Wiles, Vila, Vile

A vampiric spirit from Poland, a wili is created when a bride dies on her wedding day. Unable to find peace, the wili lingers on, suffering and unable to rest because it was denied the life it should have had. The wili returns looking like a ravishingly beautiful woman wearing a wet, white skirt. At midnight the wili appears on the roadside and will attempt to lure any man it sees into dancing with it. Those who give in to its temptations will become its victim, having their life-energy drained away (see ENERGY VAMPIRE). At dawn, the wili disappears.

Source: Beaumont, Ballet Called Giselle, 18-20; Creed, Monstrous- Feminine, 59; Perkowski, Vampires of the Slavs, 43; Summers, Vampire in Europe, 8

Wieszczy. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Variations: Wieszcy

There is a belief in Poland that a child who is born with a cleft palate and either a caul or teeth will grow up to have a bright red face and suffer from hyperactivity throughout his life. When he eventually dies, he will rise up as a type of barbed-tongue vampiric REVENANT known as a wieszczy. In addition to attacking humans for their blood, the wieszczy will also ring the church bells at midnight and call out the names of people who live in the community. If anyone should hear his own name being called out, he will die.

To prevent a person from rising up as a wieszczy, he must be buried with several crosses made of willow wood, with one placed under each arm, under the chin, and upon the chest. Before the COFFIN is closed a handful of dirt from the deceased’s own doorway is to be sprinkled over the body.

Source: Alexander, Mythology of All Races, 232; Lorentz, Cassubian Civilization, 276; Senn, Were-wolf and Vampire in Romania, 66; Taylor, Death and the Afterlife, 392

White Ladies of Fau. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

White Ladies of Fau

The White Ladies of Fau, or the Dames Blanche as they are known in their native France, originate from the Juria Lake region. Preying on young men, they lure them off with their extreme physical beauty and magical charms to a secluded area where they turn and attack, draining their victims of their blood.

Of all the White Ladies that have been, the one named Melusian stands out amongst them. She has had numerous pieces of literature, poems, and songs written about her.

Source: Maberry, Vampire Universe, 92; Mercier, Leonarde’s Ghost, 36; Stevens, Encyclopaedia of Superstitions, 1417

Белые дамы из Фо

Белые дамы из Фо или Dames Blanche, как их называют в родной Франции, происходят из окрестностей озера Жюлия. Охотясь на молодых мужчин, они заманивают их в укромное место своей чрезвычайной физической красотой и магическими чарами, где внезапно нападают, высасывая их кровь.

Из всех Белых дам выделяется одна по имени Мёлусиан*. Про нее было написано множество литературных произведений, стихов и песен.

Источники: Maberry, «Vampire Universe», 92; Mercier, «Leonarde’s Ghost», 36; Stevens, «Encyclopaedia of Superstitions», 1417

White Ladies. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

White Ladies
Variations: Die Weisse Frau (Germany), Grey Ladies, Ladies in White, Les Dames Blanches (French), Night Ladies, WHITE LADIES OF THE FAU

Throughout the British Isles, England, and France there are a type of vampiric spirits known as the White Ladies. Considered to be a death omen, they are the ghosts of noblewomen who were murdered or otherwise died a tragic death. The White Ladies are described as wearing expensive period clothing and are carrying a ring of keys or chalices that are filled with poison. When they appear it is always on the nights of the full moon, late into the evening. Although they have been sighted at bridges, cemeteries, and crossroads, most often they are found wandering the halls and grounds of the castles or manor houses where they once lived when alive. They will call out with their hypnotic voices, inviting those who can see them to dance, even though no music can be heard playing. Their touch is icy cold and will drain those they touch of their life-energy (see ENERGY VAMPIRE). Anyone who is unfortunate enough to accept their offer to dance the White Ladies will drain of blood; the bodies of their victims are found lying next to the road.

Some scholars consider the White Ladies to be vampiric fay rather than vampiric spirits since they are susceptible to attacks from weapons made of iron. However, they can also be warded off by brandishing a CRUCIFIX, calling upon God for aid, or having been recently blessed by a priest.

Source: Burne, Shropshire Folk Lore, 76-77; Curran, Vampires, 72, 184; Holland, Haunted Wales, 10, 69; Prince, Remains of Folklore in Shropshire, 15

Werzelya. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн


From Ethiopia comes the tale of a female vampiric demon known as Werzelya. In life Werzelya was the sister of Saint Susenyos, but unlike her sainted brother, she dedicated her life to evil. Werzelya had taken Satan as her lover and through their union, she gave birth to a daughter. Assuming that the child would have some magical ability since her father was the devil, Werzelya killed the child and drank her blood, gaining the ability to shape-shift into a bird or snake. When Susenyos learned that his sister had relations with the devil, killed her child, and drank her blood, he confronted and killed her. However, Werzelya returned as a vampiric demon and began killing the children of the region, including Susenyos’s own newborn son. Susenyos mounted his horse and with spear in his right hand killed her again, as well as her demonic entourage and as many of the evil magicians as he could find. With her dying breath, Werzelya swore that any child who wore Susenyos’s medal would be safe from her future assaults should she ever return.

Source: Budge, Amulets and Superstitions, 182; Budge, History of Ethiopia, 590; Hastings, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics, 339

Washerwomen of the Night. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Washerwomen of the Night
Variation: Clotha, Kannerez-Noz, Les Lavandieres de la Nuit, Midnight Washerwomen

In England and France there is a type of vampiric ghost that has come to be known as the Washerwomen of the Night. Having been in life women who neglected their religious obligations or were otherwise evil, the washerwomen are always to be found near an isolated source of running water. In England the washerwomen are ghostlike, but in France they have a skeletal appearance; either way, they are considered to be a death omen in both countries.

Very late at night, if a lone traveler comes across them, he must wring out their laundry for them or else the washerwomen will turn and break his arms and legs and throw him in the water. If the washerwomen capture a victim, they will make him wash his own burial cloth. If he does everything they tell him to do, he will survive the experience, otherwise, they will kill him on the spot.

The washerwomen are forever bound to wash the burial shrouds of the unbaptized children unless they can find someone who is willing to take their place.

Source: Curran, Vampires, 108-110; The Gentleman’s Magazine, 150-151; Paulist Fathers, The Catholic World, 781; Summers, Vampire in Lore and Legend, 2

Vyrkolatios. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Vyrkolatios (Vry-COO-low-toes)

The vyrkolatios of Santorini, Greece, is like every other traditional Greek vampire except for one difference — the vyrkolatios keeps its victims alive the entire time it drains them of their blood and consumes their flesh right down to the bone (see GREEK VAMPIRES). Once the unfortunate victim dies, the vyrkolatios stops feeding.

Source: Bunson, Encyclopedia of Vampires, 275

Вырколатиос (Вриколакас)

Вирколатиос с острова Санторин в Греции похож на любого другого традиционного греческого вампира, за исключением одного отличия — вирколатиос удерживает своих жертв живыми все время, пока высасывает кровь и сгрызает мясо вплоть до костей (смотри «Греческие вампиры»). Как только несчастная жертва умирает, вырколатиос прекращает поедать ее.

Источники: Bunson, Encyclopedia of Vampires, 275
