"A Tolkien compass: including J.R.R.Tolkien`s Guide to the names in The lord of the rings" — Open Court Publishing, 1975 (131)

A Tolkien compass: including J.R.R.Tolkien`s Guide to the names in The lord of the rings

This guide to travels in Middle-Earth includes an original chapter by Tolkien himself, explaining the meaning and origin of the names in Lord of the Rings. Can hobbits be psychoanalyzed? Does Tolkien’s Christianity shine through his imitations of pagan legends? Do his books offer a useful guide to everyday life? These and many more questions are addressed in the eleven chapters of this book. Contributors analyze Gollum’s character transformation, the psychological journey of Bilbo, the regime set up by Saruman at the end of Lord of the Rings and its parallels to fascism, the books’ narrative technique, and Tolkien’s rich use of myth and symbol. This is an insightful book that will appeal to both old and new Tolkien fans.

Год издания
Open Court Publishing
0875483038, 9780875483030
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