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Bottling. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Bottling (BOT-ul-ling)
Variations: Eikon Bottle

Bottling is a process by which some types of vampire hunters, like the DHAMPIRE of Bulgaria, capture and then destroy a vampire, such as the GROBNIK and the UBOR. The construction of the device is simple enough: a bottle filled with a small amount of blood, which will later be corked and sealed with wax and the image of a saint.

The bottle is left where the vampire will be able to smell the blood, and wanting to take advantage of such an easy meal, it shape-shifts into its invisible form and enters into the bottle. If the vampire is hesitant to enter, it can be driven into the bottle by the hunter who would use a series of holy relics to herd it. Once the vampire is in the bottle, the hunter corks it and, using wax, attaches a picture of a saint to it. As soon as the seal is made, the bottle, along with the vampire trapped within, is then thrown into a raging fire with enough force to break the glass and thereby destroy the vampire.

Naturally this method is only useable on certain types of vampires, specifically those who can become invisible or, at the very least, shape-shift into smoke. Otherwise, the hunter himself would have to be able to see an invisible vampire by some means.

Source: Summers, Vampire: His Kith and Kin, 186-187, 249; Tannahill, Flesh and Blood, 124; Wolf, Dracula: Connoisseur’s Guide, 24

Bori. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Variations: Iskoki

In northwest Nigeria, Africa, the Hausa people tell tales of a type of vampiric nature spirit called bori. Described as looking like a human with hoofed feet or no head, the bori is not always an evil being. Occasionally it will bless a person with good luck but can as easily curse a person by sending them diseases.

Although the bori can shape- shift into a python, it oftentimes shape- shifts into a friend or family member of its intended prey in order to lure them into a trap. If ever people are unsure as to whether they have in fact coincidently met someone they know deep in the jungle, it is advised to look at his footprint. The tracks that a bori makes when it is in human guise are those of a rooster. Should a person be tricked or ambushed, his chances of survival are excellent, as it seldom kills those it feeds upon, choosing to drain away just enough life essence in order to survive. These victims often have a dreamy look upon their faces and behave in a trancelike fashion.

If someone can manage to learn a bori’s true name, it will become bound to him and must do his bidding. However, should its owner ever accidently burn it, even with the stray embers from a cigarette, the bori will be set free from its magical enslavement. Immediately upon gaining its freedom, it will turn on its former master with a savage rage, killing him and his entire family if it can.

Bori can also possess a person, although to what ends, no one is sure. The Hausa believe that when a woman is possessed, anything she may do or say — even if she speaks out against her husband or the government—cannot be held against her.

Source: Hill, Rural Hausa, 212-213; Tremearne, Ban of the Bori, 382; Tremearne, The Tailed Head-Hunters of Nigeria, 254

Boginki. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Boginki (Bow-GIN-key)

This is a vampiric demon from Poland. Found near riverbanks, the boginki (“little princess”) is rather nymphlike in appearance. Created by the original deities of life that prey on the sky gods, the boginki attacks mothers with newborn babies, stealing the children to eat and replacing them with a type of evil changeling called an Odmience (“the changed one”). Making regular ritualistic sacrifices to it will prevent it from attacking.

Source: Georgieva, Bulgarian Mythology, 103; Icon Group International, Sacrificing, 232; Leary, Wisconsin Folklore, 445; Thomas, Polish Peasant in Europe and America, 238


Это вампирические демоны из Польши. По внешнему облику богинки («маленькая принцесса»), которых можно найти вблизи рек, напоминают нимфу. Созданные изначальными божествами жизни, которые охотились на небесных богов, богинки нападают на матерей с новорожденными младенцами, воруя детей, чтобы съесть их, и заменяя видом злого подменыша, называемого одменце — («подмененный»). Нападения предотвратят регулярные ритуальные жертвоприношения*.

Источники: Georgieva, «Bulgarian Mythology», 103; Icon Group International, «Sacrificing», 232; Leary, «Wisconsin Folklore», 445; Thomas, «Polish Peasant in Europe and America», 238

Bocksmarte. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Bocksmarte (BOX-mert)
Variations: ALP

The bocksmarte is a male, vampiric demon from Germany (see GERMAN VAMPIRES). Essentially it is an ALP.

Source: Meyer, Mythologie der Germanen, 13


Вариант: Альп

Боксмарте — германский вампирический демон мужского пола (смотри «Германские вампиры»). По сути это альп.

Источник: Meyer, «Mythologie der Germanen», 134

Bockshexe. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Bockshexe (BOX-hex)

The bockshexe is a male, vampiric demon from Germany (see GERMAN VAMPIRES). Essentially an ALP, it can shape-shift into a goat.

Source: Meyer, Mythologie der Germanen, 505


Боксхексе — германский вампирический демон мужского пола (смотри «Германские вампиры»). По существу являясь альпом, он может превращаться в козу.

Источник: Meyer, Mythologie der Germanen, 505

Bobon. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Bobon (Bo-BON)

Bobon is the word used when referring to a male vampire in Romania.

Source: Cremene, Mythology of the Vampires of Romania


Бобон — румынское слово, которое используется для названия мужчины-вампира.

Источник: Cremene, «Mythology of the Vampires of Romania».

Boboaña. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Boboaña (Bo-BO-ana)

Boboaña is the Romanian word for “female vampire”.

Source: Cremene, Mythology of the Vampires of Romania


Бобоана — румынское слово для понятия «женщина-вампир».

Источник: Cremene, «Mythology of the Vampires of Romania».

Blut Aussauger. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Blut Aussauger (BLOOT AUS-ah-gr)
Variations: Blautsauger, BLUATSAUGER, Blut-Sauger, Nachtzutzler, Totbeißer

A vampiric REVENANT, the blut aussauger (“drinker of blood”) comes from the folklore in the countries of Bavaria, Bosnia, and Germany. Although similar to the BLUATSAUGER in some respects, this vampire differs in enough ways that it is clearly a separate species (although they may share a common ancestor).

Like the bluatsauger, the blut aussauger can transform a person into a vampire by forcefeeding or tricking someone into eating dirt from its grave. However, a person could also become this type of vampire if he eats meat from an animal that a wolf killed, commits suicide, dies unbaptized, dies a witch, leads an immoral life, or if a nun walks over his grave.

With pale, waxy skin and large eyes, and being slightly hairier than the average person, the blut aussauger leaves its grave every night in search of human blood to consume (see HAIR). Combined with its supernatural strength and the fact it has no skeletal system to hinder the movements of its body, a blut aussauger can attack from nearly any location or angle. It can also shapeshift into a bat, dog, rat, snake, and wolf.

Repelled by GARLIC and sunlight alike, as one may expect, the blut aussauger has the curious fear of black dogs that have eyes drawn in white paint on the top of their heads. Smearing GARLIC paste or hanging HAWTHORN on the windows will bar the vampire from entering, but planting hawthorn around the house will keep it off the property altogether.

Bluatsauger. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Bluatsauger (BLAUT-sauger)
Variations: BLUT AUSSAUGER, Blutsauger

Possibly originating in the Bosnia-Herzegovina region, the bluatsauger (“bloodsucker”) is now one of the vampires that hunt throughout Southern Germany and Bavaria (see GERMAN VAMPIRES). It has no skeleton, but rather extremely large eyes and a body covered with HAIR. It has many of the typical vampiric traits in that it hunts for its human prey at night and is repelled by GARLIC. However, it has the most unique method of creating more of its own kind. The bluatsauger carries a handful of dirt from its tomb in a tightly clenched fist so that when it finds someone that it wishes to convert, it force-feeds them the dirt. Should the person actually consume it, they will be transformed into this species of vampire.

Source: Bryant, Handbook of Death, 99; Bunson, Vampire Encyclopedia, 30, 107

Bloodsucker. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн


This is a word used in English-speaking countries to describe a vampire.

Source: Cassidy, Dictionary of American Regional English, 290; Jones, On the Nightmare, 98; Ogilvie, Imperial Dictionary of the English Language, 539

Бладсакер (Кровосос)

Это слово используется в англоговорящих странах для описания вампира.

Источники: Cassidy, «Dictionary of American Regional English», 290; Jones, «On the Nightmare», 98; Ogilvie, «Imperial Dictionary of the English Language», 539
