Alexander Porteous "The forest in folklore and mythology" — Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications, 2002 (1713)

The forest in folklore and mythology

Assembled from an enormous range of sources, this fascinating book is a mind-expanding compendium of facts, folklore, superstitions, myths, and anecdotes about trees and the forest. Included are descriptions of old forests; forest customs, temples and sacred groves; mythical forest creatures such as witches, fairies, demons, wood spirits, the "wild huntsman", and wood nymphs.

The author also recounts facts and fables about individual trees, including famous trees throughout the world, unusual trees, tree worship, people's transformation into trees, and disposal of the dead in trees — as well as folklore about fossil trees, tree bark, leaves, thorns, diving rods, and Yule logs.

Место издания
Mineola, New York
Год издания
2002 (репринт издания 1928 года)
Dover Publications
0486420108, 978-0486420103
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