
Tenatz. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Tenatz (Ten-ANTS)
Variations: Tenac, Tenec

In Bosnia and Montenegro there is a vampiric spirit called a tenatz that possesses a corpse and uses it as its own body. At night, it shape-shifts into a mouse and enters into a person’s home. Once inside, it waits for the victim to fall asleep and attacks, draining him of his blood. Simply burning the corpse during the day will destroy the tenatz.

Source: Durham, Some Tribal Origins, 259; Petrovitch, Hero Tales and Legends of the Serbians, 21; Royal Anthropological Institute, Man, 189

Варианты: Тенатц, Тенец

В Боснии и Черногории есть вампирический дух, называемый тенац, который овладевает трупом и использует его как собственное тело. Ночью он превращается в мышь и проникает в чей-нибудь дом. Оказавшись внутри, он ждет, когда жертва заснет, и нападает, высасывая кровь. Тенаца уничтожит простое сжигание трупа в дневное время суток.

Источники: Durham, «Some Tribal Origins», 259; Petrovitch, «Hero Tales and Legends of the Serbians», 21; Royal Anthropological Institute, «Man», 189

Taxim. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн


A vampiric REVENANT said to exist throughout Eastern Europe, the taxim is a plague-spreading animated corpse fueled only by its desire to enact revenge. The taxim seeks out those who caused it great distress in life, and nothing short of achieving its goal will stop it.

Source: Bunson, Encyclopedia of Vampires, 252


Таксим — вампирический ревенант, который, как утверждают, существует по всей Восточной Европе, это оживший труп, распространяющий чуму, которого питает только жажда мести. Таксим ищет тех, кто при жизни причинил ему большие неприятности, и ничто на пути к достижению цели его не остановит.

Источник: Bunson, «Encyclopedia of Vampires», 252

Tarunga. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн


On the Bank Islands off the coast of Australia lives a large number of people who consider themselves a type of sorcerer called a tarunga (see LIVING VAMPIRE). These individuals claim to have accumulated so much power that they are able to detach their heads from their bodies and shape-shift into invisible vampires. In this form the tarunga are able to drain away the life energy of the recently deceased, a process that takes a few weeks to complete (see ENERGY VAMPIRE). During this time, people in the community will suffer from exceptionally vivid dreams. To prevent a deceased tarunga from feeding, a watch must be maintained at its gravesite as the vampire will not feed if a person is too near.

Source: Codrington, The Melanesians, 249, 254-256; Maberry, Vampire Universe, 275; Sumner, Science of Society, 820

Tanggal. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Variations: ASWANG, Preay (“vampire”), Srei Ap

All throughout Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Melanesia, and the Trobriand Islands is a vampiric sorcerer known as a tanggal (“comes apart”). By day, it looks like an ordinary woman, but at night it detaches its head from its body and flies off by undulating its intestines and flapping its ears and lungs (see LIVING VAMPIRE). It attacks people for their blood and feces, which it feeds on. The tanggal is easily repelled by GARLIC, SALT, and spices.

Source: Guiley, Complete Vampire Companion, 26; Hastings, Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, Part 13, 237; Spence, Encyclopædia of Occultism, 93-94

Talamaur. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Talamaur (TALL-ah-mor)
Variation: Talamur, TARUNGA

On the Banks Islands of Australia as well as on the Polynesian Islands there is a type of LIVING VAMPIRE called a talamaur, which can be a force for good or for evil, depending on the person. He is greatly feared by the community he lives in, and the possibility of being banished or even being stoned to death is very real. All talamaur have the ability to astral-project and speak to ghosts. Some have a spirit or a ghost as a familiar (see ASTRAL VAMPIRE).

If the talamaur is an evil and predatory vampire, he will attack people who are dying or the newly dead, feeding off the last bits of their life-energy (see ENERGY VAMPIRE). Should he attack a healthy person, he will do so while the person is asleep, ripping his heart out of his chest and consuming it while it is still beating in order to enslave his soul. The souls of those the talamaur has consumed surround him and are forced to act as a protective shield. This mass of souls is called a TARUNGA, and its specific powers vary depending on the capability of the souls that compose it.

To test if a person is a talamaur, he is held over a pile of burning leaves and forced to breathe in the smoke. If he is a vampire he will confess, giving a full account of all his crimes and naming all of the spirits he controls.

Source: Codrington, The Melanesians, 222; Royal Anthropological Institute, Journal, vol.10, 285; Summers, Vampire: His Kith and Kin, 227

Swawmx. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн


In Burma there is a vampiric deity known as Swawmx.

Source: Bunson, Encyclopedia of Vampires, 36; Spence, Encyclopedia of Occultism, 135; Wedeck, Dictionary of Magic, 83


В Бирме есть вампирическое божество известное как Твам.

Источники: Bunson, «Encyclopedia of Vampires», 36; Spence, «Encyclopedia of Occultism», 135; Wedeck, «Dictionary of Magic», 83

Svircolac. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Svircolac (SVEER-co-lac)
Variations: Vercolac

In Romania there is a mythological vampiric wolf named Svircolac who has the ability to cause an eclipse. Summoned by a sorcerer to kill for him, Svircolac kills by draining the blood of whomever he is sent after.

Source: Perkowski, The Darkling, 40; Summers, Vampire in Europe; Taylor, Buried Soul, 240

Варианты: Верколак

В Румынии есть мифологический волк-вампир по имени Свирколак, который способен вызывать затмение. Вызываемый колдуном для некоего убийства, Свирколак убивает того, за кем его послали, выпивая у него кровь.

Источники: Perkowski, «The Darkling», 40; Summers, «Vampire in Europe»; Taylor, «Buried Soul», 240

Sundal Bolong. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Sundal Bolong (SUN-dil Bal-LONG)
Variations: Sundel Bolong

In Java, there is a vampiric REVENANT known as a sundal bolong (“hollowed bitch”). It is created when a woman commits suicide or when a child who was conceived by rape dies. It appears to its prey, mostly travelers and foreigners, as a beautiful woman with unkempt HAIR wearing its burial shroud. Using its beauty, this vengeful and angry vampire will lure a man to a quiet place with the promise of an indiscretion but instead will turn and attack him, draining him of his blood.

Source: Bunson, Vampire Encyclopedia, 250; Geertz, Religion of Java, 18; Koentjaraningrat, Javanese Culture, 342

Sukuyan. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Sukuyan (Sa-COO-yin)
Variations: Ligaroo, SUCOYAN

A vampiric spirit from Trinidad, the sukuyan appears as a young man or woman. Since it is completely unaffected by sunlight, as well as being one of the very few vampires that actually needs permission to enter into someone’s home, the sukuyan begins its hunting during the day. In its shape-shifted form of a handsome young man or attractive young lady, it will knock on doors asking to borrow a cup of flour or a match. If it is given what it asks for, the sukuyan will now be able to enter into the home when it returns at night to begin the process of draining away the blood of the occupants. While it is feeding, the victim suffers from nightmares and sleep paralysis.

To protect one’s home from a sukuyan, one must chant, “Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday”, three times while making the sign of the cross over every window and doorway, then hang a mirror over them facing outward. When the vampire returns to feed again, it will see itself, assume one of its many animal forms, and flee. Now the animal must be caught and killed by either burning it alive or stoning it to death.

Source: Bisnauth, History of Religions in the Caribbean, 96, 154, 174; Rose, Giants, Monsters and Dragons, 347; Simpson, Religious Cults of the Caribbean, 22, 75

Sucoyan. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Sucoyan (Sue-COIN)
Variations: Ligaroo (masculine), SUKUYAN

In the West Indies there is a vampiric creature called a sucoyan. Looking like an old woman by day, at night it removes its skin and hides it in the hollow of a tree. Then, it shape-shifts into a CORPSE CANDLE and flies out in search of its prey — a sleeping person that it will drain dry of blood. Like many vampires that have the ability to remove their skin, such as the ASEMA and the LOOGAROO, finding its skin and rubbing it with SALT so that it shrinks will ultimately destroy the sucoyan, as it will die if exposed to direct sunlight.

Source: Allsopp, Dictionary of Caribbean English Usage, 161; Beck, To Windward of the Land, 209; David, Folklore of Carriacoum, 29-30
