
Chonchonyi. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Chonchonyi (Chon-CHUN-ly)

A vampiric spirit from Argentina, the chonchonyi looks like a human with big ears, which it uses to fly to the home of sick people. It sneaks inside their homes and, when no one is looking, drains them dry of their blood.

Source: Carlyon, Guide to the Gods, 58; Rose, Giants, Monsters, and Dragons, 80; Turner, Dictionary of Ancient Beings, 127


Чончоньи — вампирический дух из Аргентины, выглядит как человек с большими ушами, которые он использует, чтобы залетать в дома больных людей. Он незаметно пробирается внутрь и, когда никто не смотрит, досуха высасывает из них кровь.

Источники: Carlyon, «Guide to the Gods», 58; Rose, «Giants, Monsters, and Dragons», 80; Turner, «Dictionary of Ancient Beings», 127

Chonchon. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Chonchon (CHON-chin)
Variations: Piguechen (“vampire”)

The Araucanian Indians of Chile have the belief that through a mere act of will, a person can become a chonchon, growing wings out of its ears and flapping so hard that it rips the head free of the body and flies away. Some sources say that this only happens after the person is deceased. The Mapuche Indians in the same area say that the chonchon is a bird with the head of a kalku, a sorcerer. Its cry sounds like “tui-tui-tui”. Whether it is a flying head or a bird, it feeds on human blood and can shape- shift to look like a person with large ears.

Source: Alexander, Latin- American, 329; Edwards, My NativeLand, 395; Van Scott, The Encyclopedia of Hell, 287

Ch’ing Shih. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Ch’ing Shih (Cha-ing SHE)
Variation: Chiang- Shi, Chiang Shih, Ch’iang-Shih, Ch’ing-Shih, Ch’ling Shih, Gaing Shi, “The Hopping Vampire of Asia”, Kiang-Kouei, Kiang Shi, Kiang-Shi, Kiangshi, Kouei, Kuang-Shi, Kuang- Shii, Kyonshi, Xianhshi

Known the world over as the “hopping vampire”, the mythology specifically regarding the ch’ing shih originates in the lands between Siberia and China. This vampiric REVENANT is created in the typical fashion of most Chinese vampires — when a cat jumps over a corpse, if a person has been cursed to rise as the undead, or if a person has the misfortune of dying far from home and not being returned there for burial (see UNDEATH). No matter how it is created, the ch’ing shih will return with red eyes, curved fingernails, serrated teeth, and pale GREEN-white skin that gives off a phosphorescent glow. As it ages, its HAIR continues to grow and changes from whatever its current color is to pure white. When it has a long and full mane of HAIR, it is considered physically matured. The ch’ing shih feeds off the blood of men, but with its voracious sexual appetite it is well known to first rape and then devour the bodies of women.

After it rises from the dead as a vampire, the ch’ing shih will have the ability to shape- shift into a CORPSE CANDLE. However, once it reaches maturity, it will have the ability to fly of its own accord, track its prey by scent, and shapeshift into the form of a wolf. Its breath is so foul that it can kill a person if it exhales directly on someone.

The ch’ing shih is blind and it has difficulty crossing running water. Its power is derived from the moon, so during the day and on moonless nights it stays in its underground dwelling. Although it is afraid of thunder and loud noises, the only thing it is truly fearful of is the White Emperor, to whose court it must pay homage.

Children of Judas. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Children of Judas

Considered to be the worst of the Bulgarian species of vampires, the Children of Judas is the clan name for a family of vampires alleged to be the direct descendants of Judas Iscariot. All the vampires in this clan have a full head of bright red HAIR just as it is believed Judas had. Found throughout Bulgaria, Romania, and Serbia, when a Child of Judas attacks its victims, it leaves behind a scar that looks like the Roman numeral 30: XXX. The scar is thus shaped to signify the 30 pieces of silver that were given to Judas for his part in betraying Christ to the Romans. Almost exclusive to this species of vampire, its bite is referred to as a kiss.

Source: Masters, Natural History of the Vampire, 189; Summers, Vampire: His Kith and Kin, 183; Tannahill, Flesh and Blood, 122

Chevêche. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Chevêche (CHE-vig)
Variations: Chevche, Chevecsch, Chevesche

The chevêche is a VAMPIRIC WITCH from France that preys on little children, drinking their blood.

Source: Wilgowicz, Le Vampirisme

Варианты: Шевк, Шевекш

Шевек — вампирическая ведьма из Франции, которая охотится на маленьких детей, выпивая их кровь.

Источник: Wilgowicz, «Le Vampirisme»

Çeşme. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Chesme (Çeşme)

The chesme of Turkey is a vampiric fountain spirit that looks like a cat. However, it has the shape-shifting ability to appear as a corpse surrounded by mice. Its name, chesme, is quite appropriate as it translates to mean “fountain cat”. Sitting on a rock near a source of water, the vampire sings a sirenlike song that lures men to it. When one answers the call and appears, the chesme will attack and try to drown him by draining him of his life-energy (see ENERGY VAMPIRE).

Source: Byrne, Unbearable Saki, 32; Leland, Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune Telling, 166; Spence, Encyclopedia of Occultism, 160


Чешме из Турции — вампирический дух фонтана, похожий на кошку. Однако у него есть способность изменять облик, появляясь в образе трупа, окруженного мышами. Его название — чешме вполне уместно, так как означает «кот фонтана». Сидя на скале возле источника, вампир, как сирена, поет песню, которая привлекает к нему мужчин. Когда кто-то появится и отзовется на призыв, чешме нападет на него и попытается утопить, высасывая его жизненную силу (смотри «Энергетический вампир»).

Источники: Byrne, «Unbearable Saki», 32; Leland, «Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune Telling», 166; Spence, «Encyclopedia of Occultism», 160

Chedipe. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Chedipe (CHA-dippy)
Variations: ALVANTIN, CHUREL, Jakhai, Jakhin, Mukhai, Nagulai

In India when a woman dies in an unnatural way, such as in childbirth or by suicide, she may return as a vampiric REVENANT known as a chedipe. Riding upon a tiger at night, the chedipe selects a home and places all of the inhabitants within into a deep sleep. Then it drains the blood from all the men by biting a hole in their big toes. The chedipe, whose name means “prostitute”, is associated with a discriminated caste of people known as the devadasi, those who work in the sex industry.

Source: Crooke, Religion and Folklore, 194; Duprae, The Vampires, 61; Riccardo, Liquid Dreams of Vampires, 51; Thurston, Omens and Superstitions, 261-262

Cercopes. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Variations: Kerkopes

Ancient Greeks believed that the twin sons born of Oceanus and Theia were vampiric creatures. Collectively referred to as the Cercopes, meaning the “tailed ones”, they were renowned as being liars and thieves. The names of the brothers vary depending on the source — some say that their names were Acmon and Passalus, another claims that their names were Eurybatus and Olus, and a third claims the names were Sillus and Triballus. However, all the sources do agree in that the cercopes’ physical appearance is that of short and squat monkeylike beings that lives in the forest. Very fast and particularly dangerous if trapped, the cercopes will use their amazing stealth to creep into the room of a sleeping child, where they will drink blood from the child’s arms and legs.

Source: Barber, Dictionary of Fabulous Beasts, 37; Hesiod, Hesiod, the Homeric Hymns, and Homerica, 153-154, 539; Lurker, Dictionary of Gods and Goddesses, 348; Mahaffy, History of Classical Greek Literature, 114, 116; Rose, Giants, Monsters, and Dragons, 73

Cel-Rău. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Cel-Rău (Cell-ROO)
Variation: Concealmentrãu, Ieli, Orgoï, Strigoii

In Romania, people are careful not to say the true name of this vampiric REVENANT aloud. The cel-rău (“the bad”) is easily summoned; as it has amazing hearing, it can hear its name uttered from any distance. The cel-rău will appear near the person who has said it within moments.

Source: Cremene, Mythologie du Vampire en Roumanie

Варианты: Концеальментрау, Йели, Оргой, Стригой

В Румынии люди стараются не произносить вслух истинное имя этого вампирического ревенанта. Чель-рэу («Плохой») легко призвать; поскольку у него удивительный слух, он может услышать свое имя на любом расстоянии. Перед человеком, назвавшим его, чел-рэу появится через несколько минут.

Источник: Cremene, «Mythologie du Vampire en Roumanie»

Cauchemar. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Cauchemar (KOSZ-mare)
Variations: Cauquemare, Chauche Vieille, Coche-Mares, Cochomaren, Cochomares, Couchemache, Couchemal, GAUKEMARES, Macouche, “Pressing Demon”, Quauquemaire, “Witch-Riding”

Cauchemar is the French word for “nightmare”, and it is also the name of this species of vampiric demon or witch.

At night the cauchemar shape-shifts into either an INCUBUS or a SUCCUBUS and slips into the bed of what it perceives to be an evil person. Then it has sexual relations with him, enslaving the person to its will and draining him of some of his life and sexual energy (see ENERGY VAMPIRE). In the morning, the victim will awake with drool descending from either side of his mouth and with evidence of having experienced a nocturnal emission. Other signs include feeling overly tired and suffering leg cramps.

To prevent the cauchemar from attacking, a person can place some SALT under his pillow or dried beans or stones under his bed every night. A broom propped in the corner will offer protection, as will sleeping on one’s stomach. Saying prayers before going to bed and keeping religious items in the room will prevent it from entering. If all else fails, one can put screens on the windows.

If the cauchemar cannot be prevented from entering the room and attacking, it is vital that no one ever so much as touches the victim during one of the assaults. To do so can cause the cauchemar to kill the victim as it flees.

Source: The Living Age, vol.4, 495; Mackay, Gaelic Etymology, 305; Masters, Eros and Evil, 181; Rose, Spirits, Fairies, Gnomes, 212
