
Bataks. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Bataks (Bah-TUCKS)
Variations: Battas

On the island nation of Sumatra there is a type of witch doctor known as a bataks who specializes in fighting the type of vampire called a NAGASJATINGARON that drains the soul from its human victims. The bataks works to reclaim the tendi, the soul, of the person who has fallen under vampiric attack. Using an herbal rub containing GARLIC, a culturally well- known, soulcompelling plant, he performs a magical ceremony that returns the soul to its rightful owner.

Source: Dana, American Cyclopaedia, 379; Ripley, New American Cyclopædia, 723; Santiago, Solidaridad, 161; Summers, Vampire: His Kith and Kin, 187, 209, 250

Bas. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Bas (BAS)

The folklore from the Chewong people of Malaysia tells of the bas, a psychic spirit vampire that lives off ruwai, a being’s soul or life source (see ENERGY VAMPIRE). Typically the bas happily lives off wild pigs; it will only attack a human if it encounters one by accident or if driven to do so by hunger.

Source: Bunson, Vampire Encyclopedia, 30; Summers, Vampire in Europe, 30; Summers, Vampire: His Kith and Kin, 71; Summers, Vampire in Lore and Legend, 123


Фольклор народа че-вонг из Малайзии рассказывает о басе, психическом духе-вампире, который живет за счет рувай — души живого существа или его источника жизни (смотри «Энергетический вампир»). Обычно бас благополучно живет за счет диких свиней; он нападает на человека только в том случае, если случайно столкнется с ним или его вынудит на это голод.

Источники: Bunson, «Vampire Encyclopedia», 30; Summers, «Vampire in Europe», 30; Summers, «Vampire: His Kith and Kin», 71; Summers, «Vampire in Lore and Legend», 123

Barabarlakos. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Barabarlakos (BEAR-bur-lock-kose)

According to GREEK VAMPIRE lore, there are a number of ways that a person can have the misfortune of becoming the vampiric REVENANT known as a barabarlakos (see GREEK VAMPIRES). Like many vampire creation methods, the usual methods of coming into being apply, such as by being someone who was particularly evil in life, by having a cat jump over their corpse, by being a murder victim, or by having committed suicide. Furthermore, there is the additional rare creation method of having had the misfortune of having eaten, knowingly or not, meat from a sheep that had been slain by a wolf.

No matter how the barabarlakos came into being, it will return with its skin drawn tight as a drum over the body but otherwise looking as it did in life with no other signs of decomposition.

Each night the vampire leaves its grave and goes from house to house knocking on doors or ringing the bell and calling the names of the people who live within. If no one quickly answers the door, it will waste no more time there and move on to the next house, never to return to the previous home again. Because this vampire does not have the patience to wait and knock a second time, it is customary in Greece not to open the door until there is a second round of knocking. It may be possible that through this custom the idea that a vampire cannot enter into one’s home unless invited may have evolved. Nevertheless, if someone should answer the door before the second try, the vampire will immediately attack them, knocking them to the ground as quickly as possible. Then, it will mantle over its prey and pin them to the ground, crushing them to death. Once the person is deceased, the vampire will drain the blood from the corpse.

Baobham Sith. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Baobham Sith (BAA-van SITH or BO-vun SITH)
Variation: Baobhan Sith, Bean- Fionn, Bean Si, Oinopôlê (“She with an ass’ leg”), ONOSCÉLES, Sybils, WHITE LADIES

When a woman dies in childbirth, in Scottish folklore, the woman may return as a type of REVENANT vampiric fay called a baobham sith. According to the original and ancient myth, the baobham sith mingled with humans regularly, even becoming attached to a particular family. It was considered a sign of high status to have one in the family. It was not until after the introduction of Christendom that the baobham sith became an evil being.

Similar to the BANSHEE, the baobham sith is more often heard than seen, and will wail in sorrow, predicting the death of someone who heard its call. However, if many baobham siths gather together and wail as one, they are foretelling the death of a great person.

It is normally a solitary creature, described as being a tall, pale, beautiful young woman wearing a GREEN dress. In its human guise, it has deer hooves rather than feet that it keeps hidden under its dress. This is especially important as it will often lure young men, particularly shepherds who are up in the highlands, to a secluded place and offer to dance with them. Often it will do this in the guise of someone the man knows, trusts, or lusts after. It will dance wildly until the man is exhausted, then it will attack, draining him of his blood.

In addition to being able to shape-shift into women that their victims know, a baobham sith can also change into a crow and has the ability to create a thick fog.

Like all fay, the baobham sith can be warded off by iron, but this particular type of fay is also afraid of horses, possibly because horseshoes are made of iron. Carrying a pair of iron scissors in one’s pocket while traveling through the highlands will also prevent it from attacking.

Bantu Saburo. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Bantu Saburo (Ban-TOO Sa-BAH-roo)
Variation: Hanh Saburi, Hanh Saburo, Hántu Saburo

The bantu saburo is a vampiric REVENANT from India that has command over dogs. It lures humans into the jungle and then has its dogs attack and kill its prey. The bantu saburo then drinks up the blood from the corpses.

Source: Bunson, Vampire Encyclopedia, 133; Konstantinos, Vampire, 25; Wright, The Book of Vampires, 64

Банту Сабуро
Варианты: Ханх Сабури, Ханх Сабуро, Ханту Сабуро

Банту сабуро — вампирический ревенант из Индии, который может повелевать собаками. Он завлекает людей в джунгли, а затем его собаки нападают на добычу и убивают. После этого банту сабуро пьет из трупов кровь.

Источники: Bunson, «Vampire Encyclopedia», 133; Konstantinos, «Vampire», 25; Wright, «The Book of Vampires», 64

Bantu Parl. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Bantu Parl (Ban-TOO PARL)
Variation: Han Parl, Hántu Parl

The bantu parl is a vampiric REVENANT from India that preys on people who are too weak to defend themselves, consuming their blood. Typically its victims include infants, the elderly, and those who are very ill.

Source: Konstantinos, Vampire, 25; Summers, Vampire: His Kith and Kin, 15-16; Wright, The Book of Vampires, 64

Банту Парл
Варианты: Хан Парл, Ханту Парл

Банту парл — вампирический ревенант из Индии, который охотится на людей, слишком слабых, чтобы защитить себя. Как правило, его жертвами становятся младенцы, пожилые и очень больные.

Источники: Konstantinos, «Vampire», 25; Summers, «Vampire: His Kith and Kin», 15-16; Wright, «The Book of Vampires», 64

Bantu Dodong. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Bantu Dodong (Ban-TOO Doe-DONG)

The bantu dodong is a vampiric REVENANT from India. It lives in caves and survives off animal blood.

Source: Konstantinos, Vampire, 25; Summers, Vampire: His Kith and Kin, 15-16

Банту Додонг

Банту додонг — вампирический ревенант из Индии. Он обитает в пещерах и живет за счет крови животных.

Источники: Konstantinos, «Vampire», 25; Summers, «Vampire: His Kith and Kin», 15-16

Bantu, Africa. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Bantu, Africa (Ban-TOO Af-ri-ka)

The people of the Republic of Zambia in South Africa fear a vampiric REVENANT known as a bantu. It is created when the spirit of an evil person or a person who feels that he did not receive proper respect during his funeral returns and occupies their corpse.

The bantu is mystically drawn to blood, even a single drop, and drinks it out of both a compulsion and necessity, for without the blood, its corpse will begin the natural process of decomposition. Many victims of the bantu survive the experience, waking up with a fresh wound on their body and no memory of the attack.

The Zambian people are largely hemophobic, as even a single drop of blood on the ground will alert the vampire, who will now come when night falls. The only way to stave off the arrival of the vampire is to dig up the area where the blood fell and bury it in a secret location. The person from whom the blood came must go through an elaborate ritual purification process.

Source: Melland, In Witch-Bound Africa, 188; Peek, African Folklore, 105, 153; Summers, Vampire: His Kith and Kin, 10, 15-16; White, Speaking with Vampires, 9-12, 18-22, 51-54

Bantu. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Bantu (Ban-TOO)

In Africa and India, bantu is a word used to describe a vampiric- type creature. However, in many African languages, the word bantu is also used to mean “people”.

Source: Inter- university Committee, Bantu- Speaking Peoples of Southern Africa, 241; Summers, Vampire: His Kith and Kin, 10, 15-16; Werner, Myths and Legends of the Bantu;White, Speaking with Vampires, 9-12, 18-22, 51-54


Слово банту, используется в Индии и Африке для описания вампирического существа. Однако во многих африканских языках, слово банту также используется в значении «человек».

Источники: Inter-university Committee, «Bantu-Speaking Peoples of Southern Africa», 241; Summers, «Vampire: His Kith and Kin», 10, 15-16; Werner, «Myths and Legends of the Bantu; White, Speaking with Vampires», 9-12, 18-22, 51-54

Banshee. Статья из "Энциклопедии вампирской мифологии" Т.Бэйн

Banshee (BAN-she)
Variations: Bean Chaointe, Bean-Nighe, Bean Sidhe, Beansidhe, Caoineag, Cointeach, Cyhiraeth, Cyoerraeth, Eur-Cunnere Noe, GWRACH Y RHIBYN, Kannerez-Noz, Washer at the Banks, Washer at the Ford, Washer of the Shrouds

Currently, the banshee is considered to be a type of fay with vampiric tendencies. However, originally the banshee was a singular entity, an ancestral spirit that wailed to announce an upcoming death for one of the five major families: the Kavanaghs, the O’Briens, the O’Connors, the O’Gradys, and the O’Neills.

The banshee’s mourning wail is said to be heard every now and again, and its wailing cry is still considered to be a death omen. Those who hear it fear that someone will die the following night.

Although seldom seen, the banshee is typically naked when washing shrouds at the riverbank, its long, pendulous breasts getting in its way. When not at the river, it hunts in the hills near lakes and running water for young men, wearing a gray cloak over a GREEN gown; its long white HAIR is worn loose and let to blow in the wind. If it can, it will lure its victim away to a secluded place and drink his blood.

If by chance a person should catch a glimpse of a banshee as it is washing shrouds, it is best advised not to run from it. Rather, he should wait quietly until it slings its breast over its shoulder and carefully sneak up behind it. Then, he should place one of its nipples in his mouth and pretend that he is nursing from it. He can declare to the banshee that it is his foster mother, and should it accept him as a foster child, it will answer any question that he has. A far less intimate way of gaining information from a banshee is to capture it and threaten it at sword point.
